Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Does this Fatso Jetson make me look fat?

Fatso Jetson is an amazing Desert/Surf rock band whose musical styles, on paper, clash so much your head can't help but feel like the Gaza Strip. However the actual sound is so surreal and fitting that it sounds like Dick Dale had been reincarnated in Palm Desert. That is if Dick Dale was dead and all the other things wrong in that statement were corrected. The beauty of Fatso Jetson is the versatility. From a piss drunk bar band to an intricate meld of drug induced guitar rifts.

Now why all this teenage girl ranting? Because i'm hoping to get a free meal from their resturant Cafe 322. Plus I had to set up the awesomeness of their music with the awesomeness of this new game that's being passed around my dorm like the two cent whore it is.

Audiosurf sounds like something you would use to download music, but it is actually a new game developed with magic. I can bet you that the development team alone is composed of Leprechauns and cheap Korean Unicorns. Not that I have anything against Unicorns.

Style alone makes this game different from your typical mainstream Guitar Hero or Gaylo 3. See what I did thar?

Like some sort of highway to Tron hell the courses are created by the game analyzing any song you can throw at it. Whatever CD you have, Mp3, WMA, or god forbid Itunes music you actually bought, can be implemented into an acid trip on the Autobahn.

While the actual concept of the game is still a blur to me, I've been able to comprehend that there's more than one game mode. Some modes are a blitz game of Tetris while others simply just have you avoid the gray blocks

I sort of like the avoidance of gray blocks... that's about it basically.

Sound is great, colors are great, replay ability is great, but it kind of gets bleh pretty quickly. I could just be saying that because I don't even understand half the game. However its beautiful hook let out pretty easy so I could do my Modern Fiction HW, which is a bad thing.

William Faulkner's Barn Burning was good. It just wasn't trippy and 3D.

Seriously AudioSurf should have won the peace prize in 1948 instead of Faulkner.

See I did my Homework.

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