Thursday, January 31, 2008

My girlfriend kind of looks like my girlfriend

I've noticed a disturbing trend lately... Every girl I like has at least one trait of an ex girlfriend. This doesn't sound too bad except for the fact it's usually the feature we had broken up over. Ranging from one side of the Angel spectrum it's not that bad, but it's that opposite of the girls straight from hell that will kill me some day.

Without going in to much detail about girls and alienating most my audience... or just Doan. See that? I just alienated almost everyone through a statement saying I wouldn't alienate anyone.

Somebody pay me for this please.

Sooooo. College Algerbra in about 2 hours. I used to love Tuesdays. Now I just dread the 12 hour break between classes. It's a bizzare transition too between the hardest class I've ever taken to the worst class I've ever taken. I'm currently 0-1 on MAT 105. Hopefully I pass it this time around. Rather than ya know... Fail it.

I can't find any inspiration for anything at the moment. Besides the fact i've been killing ants all day. Not even regular ants, but zombie ants. With a lack of ant spray I have been reduced to simply smashing them with a bottle cap. There's a crunch that goes along with smashing ants and it's sort of satisfying. Thinking the end result was going to be this surge of adrenaline I now sit here with just a bunch of dead ants on my wall.

If you look close enough you might be able to see the ants.

I hate ants...

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