Thursday, January 31, 2008

Just when you thought North Korea couldn't get any cooler.

Anyong. God only knows why this stupid picture makes me think of Laughlin. In my defense though North Korea and Laughlin ARE pretty similar.

So apparently some engineers in North Korea thought it would be a great idea to model a huge ass building after a paper airplane... that has three wings. Finding a funny analogy for this thing is impossible because I've already read the ludicrousness of this buildings end result. Not even I could end up with the actual funny conclusion. Before I go in to a rambling monologue, this thing is incredibly unsafe.

Now a vacant 105 story eye rape, this building does nothing but what I assume, strike fear in to Koreans. Filled with what I think is Nuclear Warheads a short educational video re-enforced my hellish thoughts.

Just skip to the one minute mark for laughs until the 1:30 sends you in to hysteria.


In the video the thing just gets loaded up with rockets and takes off in to space thus saving the day. What they don't show you is the ultimate Death Star capabilities. Some chick in the original article compared to the Death Star. However the Death Star is round and she's a stupid stupid idiot. In all actuality I had written this article last night. And it was perfect. However bloggers auto save function shafted me in the ass and went all retroactive and sheet.

So here's how a clear day in Sunny North Korea REALLY looks like

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