Wednesday, January 30, 2008

¡Viva los Dog!

I'm not sure how I feel on the subject of Bounty Hunting other than Boba Fett was a bad ass and went out like a bitch. However there's one other Bounty Hunter who comes to mind in the other 10% of life where I can't think of Star Wars, Duane "Dog" Chapman. So there was this whole thing going on where I remember he went down to Mexico to go get some rapist or something that owed him a million dollars.

However my mind wanders... Seriously Boba Fett could have had that shit easily. Just like fly past customs, shoot his little zip line thing, pull bitches back past the border. And how does Fett end up dying in last movie? By getting knocked in the back into some stupid sand pit.

Ok so The Dog goes down to Mexico, shoots his little zip line thing, and pulls this bitch back across the border. And everyones happy, except Mexico. Mexico blows its load and starts complaining that they don't believe in Bounty Hunting and that the U.S. needs to send Dog back so he can rot away in a Mexican jail with Sancho.

I'm all for Mexico. Beautiful country, beautiful culture, beautiful women... However you'll probably never find me down there without a native because fucking up in Mexico is only my biggest fear other than spiders. My short lived tourist escapades in Mexico are enough to fear the federallis. Between buying coke from cab drivers to nearly getting jumped for my two dollars and high school ID card, Mexico has been exciting but holds an air of rebellion.

Josh in Palmdale shares NO similarities with Josh from Puerto Vallarta.

Other than my boyish charm I seem to dissolve into a puddle of assholes. Ordering around women on a cruise ship is not something to add on my resume' but it also seems to come out of me at hotel parties...

Rather to make this a post about parties and failed attempts at courting girls I should probably end it how I began.

I'm glad that Boba Fett isn't getting deported to Mexico.

He's eh cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything

Yeah photoshop is not that hard once you spend twenty minutes erasing pixels at 900% zoom.

P.S. Dog is not being shipped back to Mexico. News story... HERE

P.S.S. I'm working on a really big article that will boost this blog into the likes of Perez Hilton status. If not just in to the same category with fat gay guys.

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